the work i present here consists of three interrelated areas of image production: photographs, constructs, and moving images.
taking photographs, making images, i would expect the most straightforward of the three, yet i often can’t explain the process even to myself. they happen, i make them happen, as abstract as a clutch of pronouns absent their referents. although the reference is (usually) present in my work, the result is indeterminate, unfixed, remaining open to interpretation.
a construct has its genesis in an image i have made, and develops in unpredictable and novel ways as i work on it, with new implications emerging until it takes a final shape, which actually may be better thought of as a pause, functioning as a place marker in its development.
my video work, on the other hand, always begins with an idea. the idea typically originates with a still image i have made or video / film footage i have shot, then the work is built forward in time in directions or layers that develop the original idea without being delimited by it.
Lac Léman c. 1970
When I was around 12 my father gave me an Agfa rangefinder camera he got when he was stationed in Germany in the early 50's. With that, my interest in imaging began to take shape.
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